Friday, September 11, 2009

Too Sweet?

Since this blog began I have posted many different stories about how dogs change and save our lives. A new story today is about training dogs to use their keen sense of smell to detect changes in blood sugar by changes in breath odor. There is a characteristic smell that medical personnel are taught to recognize that possibly signifies a diabetic emergency.

Because a dogs sense of smell is so much more acute than ours they are able to detect changes before a crisis occurs. This is truly life-saving, and amazing. One more example- Mans Best Friend.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Great Video

I've been bad and not blogged for a while. Hope this makes up for it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Continuing to Amaze

Previous posts have highlighted the many and varied ways that dogs assist humans. This is another such amazing story. Tuesday is a Golden Retriever. Her owner is an Iraq war veteran with post traumatic stress syndrome. Tuesday is a specially trained 'psychiatric' service dog, trained to help such veterans. For example Tuesday recognize when her master is having a nightmare and will bark to wake him up. Psychiatric therapy dogs can also recognize changes in respiration and perspiration which may indicate an impending panic attack. They respond with a calming nudge or lick- just to say its ok, I'm here.

Perhaps our next president should be a dog. There is so much they can do, I would not be surprised if they could fix the economy, the auto industry and end unemployment.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer Safety Tip

Many parts of the country have already seen record setting heat. But it does not take record heat to turn your car into a 150 oven. Parked cars are not a safe place for dogs or children in the summer. Not for five minutes, not for one. High heat can cause rapid dehydration, brain damage and death. Remember- don't shut them in- don't do it.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Dog's Purpose

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolf hound named Belker.The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, 'I know why.'

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.

He said, 'People are born so that they can learn how to live a good Life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?' The Six-year-old continued, 'Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.'

I want to thank my good friend for sending this to me. I don't know where the original came from but I'd like to thank the original author too.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Take Your Dog To Work

Tomorrow, Friday, June 26th, 2009 is Take Your Dog To Work Day. The tradition began in 1999. Happy ten year anniversary. My dogs will be with me tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

911 Rescuer Cloned

Trakr a German Shepherd from Nova Scotia who responded to New York City to help search for survivors has been cloned. Scientists at BioArts in California cloned the K9 hero free of charge. Five puppies were produced. Trakr died at the old age of 16. His owner was a police officer at the time of 911 and won a contest that resulted in the cloning.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

For EVERY Dog Lover

A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead.

He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.

When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.

When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?' 'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered. 'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked. 'Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.? The man gestured, and the gate began to open.

'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveler asked. 'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.'

The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog. After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence.

As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book. 'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?' 'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.' 'How about my friend here?' the traveler gestured to the dog. 'There should be a bowl by the pump.'

They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog. When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree. 'What do you call this place?' the traveler asked.

'This is Heaven,' he answered. 'Well, that's confusing,' the traveler said. 'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too?' 'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.''Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?'

'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.'

Thanks to all my friends who send me stuff to post. Please forward to all your dog loving friends.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

OK- I Admit It

I've never been a fan of dressing dogs up- especially on a routine basis. But every once in a while an image comes along to make us smile.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Caring Homes Wanted...Again

A puppy mill was found outside Seattle with just under 400 dogs. The site was said to be in deplorable conditions with many of the dogs living in tiny wooden crates and covered in feces. All required some medical care- some extensive. All the dogs were miniature American Eskimos. The Humane Society is working with local officials to move these dogs cross country and to find forever homes.

This is the largest mill I recall reading about. If we really want this to stop we must stop supporting mills. We must refuse to buy from mills. We must ask and know where our dogs come from. Xena Says ,"only humans can stop this-please they need your help.

Finally we need to stop letting owners of such facilities skate justice- as happened here. There was an agreement not to prosecute if the owner voluntarily gave up the dogs.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wild Child

According to the headlines a 5 year old girl has been found in Siberia apparently raised by dogs and cats. According to the story in BBC news, she barks like a dog and has only "mastered the language of animals." She does have human parents. She was found in filthy conditions and it seems she has never been let outside. Kudos to the dogs for stepping up.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Xena Says- Please Train Me

Dogs don't have a psychic connection to us. They learn about us, what we want, what we like and don't like by how and what we train them. It's not fair adopt a dog and not train it. In its own way 'not training' IS training. Its training that tells the dog- go ahead do what you want. It's even more unfair to punish an untrained dog for not doing as you desire. There are countless books (some in our bookstore) and methods to effectively train your dog. Be consistent and use positive reinforcement only.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

In the past, I have featured posts about war dogs- K9 heroes who have served faithfully. Since this is a dog blog I can't neglect these heroes this Memorial Day. While you remember and celebrate the human soldiers who have served- remember their K9 companions too. The following is from They seem to have a great mission-great videos too.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's About Time

The American Kennel Club has announced that it will allow mutts to compete in certain AKC competitions. Mixed breed dogs will be allowed to compete in agility, obedience and rally events. This won't start until April 2010 and mutts will only be able to compete against other mutts.

It's a start. Only 2 of my 6 dogs are purebred. They are not better or more deserving than the mixed. I'm glad to see this start and hope that it continues as even the most purebred of dogs has in its lineage- a mutt.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Guess the Breed- Answer

Max's companion was an Australian Cattle Dog one of the herding group breeds.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Guess the Breed

Part dingo- no wolf here. Starred as Max's companion in "The Road Warrior."
Answer tomorrow.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I Am Perfect

I am handsome, generous, funny- completely perfect in every way. Or at least that's how my dog(s) see me- no matter what the reality is. I came across this on a car and liked it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dogs of Valor Awards

The Humane Society of the United States is currently hosting an online contest to select the "Peoples Hero." There are 15 nominees along with their stories. Their stories include helping save their humans from diabetes and asthma attacks, fire and tractor accidents. You can vote for your favorite online at the Humane Society site. Voting closes this Friday. Hank pictured here is one of the finalists. Check out his story.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Idol Generosity

American Idol judge Paula Abdul surprised previous contestant Scott MacIntyre with the gift of a seeing eye dog. Some are criticizing the act, stating that if he needed one or wanted one- he would already have had one. Nonsense- we should just support the act without question.

AP Photo

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Kiss

I am grateful to the people who send me great dog stuff. This time I'll credit my future-son-in-law, Derek.
Thanks, Al


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thanks Mom

You saved us. We would like to help save other kids. Perhaps someday enough people will look at this site to make a difference.
Love, Xena, Hobo, Ryuu, Nikki, Sissy, Jack and Penny.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Price Check Aisle 3

Several weeks ago I looked at over 20 online vendors to find who had the best price on Frontline. This time I took on the task of looking for the best online price for Heartgard. I picked the 'green' size, six month supply. Many vendors are currently having a sale on Heartgard. After looking at over 14 vendors the best price I could find is: $21.99. The vendor is:

Regardless of where you get it- remember to protect your dog and provide monthly heart worm treatment.

Finally many stores have generic versions of Heartgard that claim to have the exact same medication. I don't know if this is true or not. Would love to hear from anyone who knows for sure about generics and pet meds.

Check It Out

A friend has started a new blog devoted to helping to make kids safer while being transported EMS vehicles. Please check out her blog Thanks

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Chanel

Chanel, a dachshund celebrated her 21st birthday, making her the oldest dog. Her age is the equivalent of 147 in people years. The previous record holder was a beagle, 28 that died last year.

She has cataracts and the glasses are for protection not fashion. She lives in Port Jefferson, NY.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Not Like That

Recently I was walking some of the pack at a local park. An older couple walking a German Shepherd (mix?) spotted us. The couple surrounded the dog. Both grabbed tight onto a part of the collar and there was no way that dog was going to move.

My dogs were tired, playful but we respected their fear and walked on by. I watched their shepherd- it never showed anything but playful curiosity. But I'm sure it too sensed their fear. It's a shame they AND their dog missed out on fun, on saying hi. Please learn about your dog. The above picture was taken at a local dog park. Only one of the dogs is mine. This is the kind of interaction they deprive their dog of. P.S That's yours truly with the dogs.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tigerhounds- Yet Another Way Dogs Help Man

A recent episode of Wild Kingdom shows how wild dogs are being trained to frighten off killer tigers. The stray dogs had become a nuisance to the local Bangladesh communities. Worse though than the dogs were the tigers encroachment into the villages. The dogs, in packs, along with their human handlers are being trained how to keep the tigers away thus saving domestic animals and human life.
There seems little that dogs wont do to serve us. Following is a link to a clip on the Animal Planet.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Birthday MOM- former foster Mom and Grandma

Thanks for everything- for all you do-every day.
Xena, Nikki, Hobo, Ryuu, Sissy and Jack

A Pets Ten Commandments #10

On the ultimate difficult journey go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there because I love you so.

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Pets Ten Commandments #9

Please take care of me when I grow old. You too will grow old.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Only The Girls

My brother Bob sent me this video and asked the question, "can any of your dogs do this?" My response, "only the girls."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Pets Ten Commandments #8

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gone For Nine Years- But Not Forgotten

Nine years ago the Geary family adopted a German Shepherd from a Florida shelter. A month later, the dog named Astro, went missing.

The Gearys later moved- three times in all finally ending up in Louisville, KY. Yet in spite of this, more than nine years later, the Gearys received a call from animal control officers in Tenessee that their dog had been found.

After a few weeks- its like he was never gone and certainly was never forgotten. PS th eGeary's were located due to a chip. Do your dogs have chips?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Pets Ten Commandments #7

7. Before you hit me...before you strike me... remember that I could hurt you, and yet I choose not to bite you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

To Barf or Not to Barf

Barf stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. This is a movement that some pet owners have taken up. The thought process is to take dogs back in time to the things they ate in nature- before domestication. Things such as raw food and bones and sinew.

Many vets however suggest caution as this very possibly exposes your pet to salmonella and e. coli and other food borne illness, disease and parasites that the domesticated dog can not withstand. Remember that the animals that live with us today have live with us for thousands of years and are succeptable to many of the same diseases we are. They are no longer wild animals. Use caution. Use common sense.

I say not to barf.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Pets Ten Commandments #6

6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fostering- Another Way To Help

Not ready to take the plunge?
Or already have a pet and want to help without further adoption?
Not able to donate money?
Consider becoming a foster home. Many agencies have foster programs- often to help animals with special needs. Two of our dogs began as fosters we decided to adopt- it is a risk, if you can call it that. We fostered a third dog, Lenny (look back in the archives) who was successfully placed in another home. Often there is a screening program but if you are serious, it's a great way to help out.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Pets Ten Commandments #5

Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Closest To Humans

Chimps have long been known to have the closest genetic relationship to humans. However a new report published in Discovery suggests that DOGS have the closest relationship to humans. Dogs understand both verbal and non-verbal and other social interactions better than any other species. This is believed to come from the thousands of years that dogs and humans have evolved and grown together.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I Know This Is A Dog Blog But...

Sometimes ya just gotta give cats a little credit. Besides there are dogs in this video.

A Pets Ten Commandments #4

Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment... but I have only you

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Battle Over Dog....Sperm

A divorcing couple showed up in an Oakland, CA courtroom to ask the judge to decide who gets the frozen dog sperm. The couple breeds bull mastiffs and had some semen frozen and stored. The judge originally thought she was being punked. In the end she decided it was not a part of the divorce and was a civil matter.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Skidboot- Truly Amazing

Sometimes no comment is necessary. Enjoy the video. Thanks to my brother for sending.

A Pets Ten Commandments #3

Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bob Barker Charity

Long time Price Is Right host is also a long-time animal supporter. One of his charities is The DJ & T foundation, a voucher program to spay and neuter dogs. This program operates in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Profits from Barker's new book, "Priceless Memories" benefit this charity.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Pets Ten Commandments #2

Give me time to understand what you want of me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Car Design...Just for DOGS

This week Honda will introduce a special dog package for it's Element model. Features includes a cushioned mesh “dog containment system” for the cargo area; a collapsible entry ramp that stores underneath; a dedicated Fido cooling fan; a spillproof water bowl; a secondary “containment system” for the back seat (to accommodate smaller breeds); special pet restraints; a rubber mat in a dog-bone pattern; and a special collar, leash and dog tag. This price has not been determined.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Pets Ten Commandments- #1


1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.

The rest will be displayed every other day.

I'd love to give proper credit but I don't know who wrote this. So to whoever you are, thanks.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Another Way Dogs Save Lives

For some, peanut allergies are so severe that even a very slight whiff, nearly undetectable, may cause severe, even deadly reactions. While watching a show on bomb sniffing dogs, a Mom in Colorado wondered why dogs could not be trained to use their powerful sense of smell to detect the odor of peanuts. Her curiosity was more than just casual, her son has one of those severe allergies.

The dog, a Portuguese Water dog was donated by a local breeder and recommended a trainer in Florida who trains dogs to detect explosives. Rising to the challenge of having never trained a dog to perform this task the usual $15,000 fee was waived.

The Mom, Sherry Mers and the trainer Bill Whitstine have an organization to raise money to train other dogs for those with severe allergies. Their site is: Angel Service Dogs.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Almost Tax Time

Ever wish you could deduct your pets. With six dogs and 2 cats- all of whom are adopted it would sure be nice. Would hate to see people hoard or not spay/neuter pets just for a deduction.

For your amusement attached is a K9 Tax Return Form. Not sure where it came from so can't give proper credit.

Double Click the image to see the form.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Amazing Sophie Tucker

While boating with her family off the coast of Australia, sudden rough seas caused Sophie to fall overboard. Her owners searched for their Australian Cattle dog for over an hour and finally gave up believing that either the rough waves or severe wake had claimed her as a victim.

Instead of succumbing to the sea, Sophie swam over five miles in these same rough seas to a small deserted island. For four months she lived on a diet of wild baby goats she herself caught and killed. She was spotted by wildlife rangers who characterized her as wild. She would not allow herself to be approached by humans and was very protective of her food.

She was finally trapped and her story caught the attention of various news agencies and also her owners. Characterized as wild as soon as she spotted her owners she immediately transformed back to the sweet domestic dog they had always known and loved. It was an immediate reunion and truly happy ending.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

Want to support shelter animals but can't adopt for what ever reason? Many shelters including the SPCA and Humane Society have donation and sponsorship programs. It's an easy way to get involved. So if you can't adopt- support. Thanks

Links to both these agencies are found in our links section.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dogs In The Military

Since the days of Attila the Hun dogs have had a place in the military. In ancient times many of the War Dogs were used to fight. Today they serve a different purpose. Some guard our posts and installations. Some sniff out bombs and IEDs.

According to an article in the Washington Post, the Department of Defense reports there are over 2,000 dogs serving in the military today in Iraq and Afghanistan-wherever our human troops serve. And like their human counterparts they are often called to serve more than one tour. Their training costs over $15,000. Some estimate that they have saved tens of thousands of lives.
For more information see the Post article . You may also be interested in the US War Dogs site for more detailed information and to read about their efforts to have the military officially recognize the work and heroism of man's best friend.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dogs In the News

According to an article on Live Science (, dogs do look like their owners. According to the article, 70 people were shown photos of 41 dog owners along with three breeds to chose from. The 70 people (non dog owners) were right over half the time. Random correctness should have yielded 33% results.

Officials in Winston have located and rescued 90 small breed dogs living in squalor as part of a puppy mill operation. They believe there are over 100 more to be found. Please remember adoption, not mills. Know where your dog comes from.

Finally, also according to Live Science. com, cow farts could be reduced and thereby greenhouse gas emissions by use of fish oil. It seems the omega 3 fatty acids in fish cut down on gas production. Good news.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

150 Dogs Up For Adoption

It's hard to imagine 200 dogs in one location. Yet that is how many were taken from a puppy mill in Missouri. Of the 200, 150 are up for adoption. While many are pure bred, it's also true that many of these have lived their entire lives in cages and are not even house broken. If your heart is set on a pure bred and there is nothing wrong with that. Make sure the breeder is reputable and don't ever knowingly buy from a mill.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Many Languages

Arabic...أحب بلادي الكلب
Dutch...Ik hou van mijn hond
French...J'aime mon chien
Greek...Λατρεύω τον σκύλο μου
German...Ich liebe meinen Hund
Hebrew...אני אוהב את הכלב שלי
Italian...Amo il mio cane
Portuguese...Eu amo meu cachorro
Russian...Я люблю свою собаку
Spanish...Yo amo a mi perro
Swedish...Jag älskar min hund

English... I LOVE MY DOG

Friday, March 27, 2009

War Hero Remembered

During World War II a stray named Rip was credited with saving more than 100 bombing victims- locating them amid the rubble. After himself being rescued from starvation, Rip, a terrier mix, began searching bombed out buildings and locating victims. He won a Dickin Medal- a British medal of bravery given to animals. His medal was recently auctioned and fetched over $14,000.

Dogs have often served with man during times of war- during WWI and II carrying supplies and medical aid. During ancient times dogs were bred to fight.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Long Distance Adoption

According to NBC News Connecticut, 45 street dogs were flown in from Puerto Rico overnight to the SPCA in Stamford, CT. They will be available for adoption this weekend. This is a great example of doing whatever it takes to get these dogs adopted rather than the alternative. To view the story follow the link below.

Or got to the CT SPCA site for more information.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Money Matters

The current economic times are tough; more so with six dogs. One of the highest recurring expenses we have is the monthly flea and tic treatment. We use Frontline Plus and have been buying it from our vet. While our vet does have a good competitive price I spent last night comparing prices on the internet.

I chose to look at one product, Frontline Plus Blue (23-44 pound), 3 month supply. I would have thought the prices for the exact same product would be very close. In fact the price ranged from $22.99 to $53.99.

The $22.99 price as of today is from: Shipping to my house in CT is $4.00. A very close second is $25.00 from: Shipping for orders over $40.00 is free making this actually cheaper.

Over 30 on-line sites were searched. Don't just go to the first ones that pop up on your search and don't believe it when it says, Cheapest or Best price. There are likely better if you look.

Check back for more price checks.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Animals Amaze Me

This is certainly a diferent look at Polar Bears and provides another look at these giants.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Break From Tradition

Each week on ABC News with Charles Gibson they have a "Person of the Week" feature that runs on Fridays. This past Friday the Persons of the Week were about the people who created and support the Wish Upon A Hero site. The idea was born from wanting to support charities but not knowing where the money went and the desire to support individuals as well. Here people post their wants and needs and others may elect to grant a particular wish.

It's a great idea. The ABC news story highlights the success. Its even more powerful in today's tough times. Please check it out.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Penny -The Grand Dog

If our daughter and her boyfriend have a dog, doesn't that make her our Granddog? I think so even though I am too young for a grand anything...

Penny is a dynamo. She has many of the qualities of other Grandchildren. She comes over when we say and leaves when we are done. She is a great dog and is one of the few dogs that our terminally shy dog Sissy will play with. And she's cute too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


You've previously been introduced to Hobo. He is one of our older dogs. Having older dogs we realize that every new day is a gift. One day I noticed that Hobo could barely get up our one step into the back door. It got to the point where I helped him up and down so he could go to the bathroom. That evening things just seemed worse. I was sure that we were nearing the end of our time together. I held and petted him while we called the vet.

We got into the vet first thing the next morning. All sorts of tests were done including blood work to test for Lyme disease. The good news is that it was Lyme and Hobo responded immediately to his prescribed drugs. All the dogs are treated monthly with flea and tic protection. But if a tic gets in and is infected with Lyme..

If your dog suddenly gets limp, comes up lame, seems suddenly old, has sudden joint pain consider Lyme and get your dog tested. The fact that you don't see a tic is no guarantee- get them tested. Deer tics are small and in long haired dogs nearly invisible.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Off to the Park

Saturday March 7th. Great weather. Well almost. A huge thaw and the local dog park was a HUGE mud pit. Not that any of the dogs were complaining. Sunday the 8th. Rather than return back to the pit and the subsequent required bath I opted to go for a walk at a regular (non-dog) park.

What a great day and the park was packed. So many great dog intros- they love it. Met several people who were new with dogs, new to introducing dogs to other dogs and kids and people. I asked several if they had ever been to the local dog park- none had. One went so far as to say she was afraid there would be pit bulls there. I assured here there would and labs and retrievers and shepherds etc. For the most part people who go to dog parks, are responsible owners, who have socialized theirs dogs. My experience is that the dog park is a 97% positive experience. Would enjoy hearing from others about their dog park experiences.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Why, Jack?

I've been asked why I posted such an ugly photo of Jack. Here is another photo. Sometimes you just have to work with what you have.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dog Log Cafe Sissy's Final Tail

I usually get attached to a new dog immediately. Without exception there is some connection. Not so with Sissy. At about the one year mark of fostering her we received a call from the Humane Society that we needed to do something- either return her or adopt.

For several months after bringing Sissy home, Xena was her only K-9 friend. Every weekend, weather permitting, we would take all the dogs to the dog park. Most of the dogs love it. Not Sissy. Her fear kept her at arms length from all the other dogs who tried to befriend her. But when she and Xena would take off running, perhaps after a real or imaginary squirrel, Sissy was in heaven. If she could play with just Xena, she was in heaven. Problem of course is that Xena wants to play with everyone. After a while Nikki and Xena and Sissy began to all play.

There was still the problem with us, me and Sissy. She would not allow me to approach if I was standing though she would tolerate me while sitting. In fact after a year she would come up to me in the car while going to the park and nudge me for some affection. She tolerates women much better and allowed our daughter's boyfriend to approach and to pet her while standing.

With all our lack of trust and lack of public displays of affection there was no way I was going to return her and have her go back in that cage. I knew, no matter how short the time, that she would have lost everything she gained. She and Xena and Nikki are good friends. A new beagle has entered our lives, Penny and they too are friends. Sissy and I are also making progress both while sitting and standing. It will improve with time.

Next installment- Penny.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Dog Log Cafe Number 6 Sissy- The Intro

We often walk the dogs around the neighborhood or in different parks. When other people and dogs see us coming it is often a bit of a shock. People are hesitant to allow an introduction- I'm sure out of fear. It can be a bit intimidating to see five or six dogs coming at you- pulling to get closer. Typically these are dogs and people without issues.

Of course Sissy has issues. Our custom when we do an intro is to introduce all the dogs at once. These intros typically cause three dogs to start barking. Xena barks to say, 'hey let's play'. Jack barks because he is insecure and that's what he does. Nikki barks because two other dogs are barking. Ryuu the Beagle is smiling and wagging and Hobo could not care less. He just wants to get a sniff in and go about his own little world.

So at the intro Sissy pulled away, cowered but reluctantly followed us in the fence. She was on high alert, spinning around as different dogs attempted to smell her. Some barking, some yelping- all fear. After five minutes or less the other five dogs were over the newness and the novelty of another dog. This just went on with their normal lives.

Next blog- the state of Sissy today.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dog Log Cafe Number 6 Sissy

I recall being at the Humane Society one weekend day and seeing a dog all the way in the back of her cage, frightened to no end. She stayed like this no matter who walked by. Complete terror. Though we had five dogs already and had some success at helping other dogs in need as I looked at this dog I could not think of a way to help; I could not imagine what we would do.

A week or so later we received a call from the Humane Society asking if we were interested in fostering another dog. One with shyness and fear issues. We agreed to look and it was this same dog, named Sissy. In her current state she was not adoptable, would not come to anyone and showed nothing but fear. Her history was a little uncertain. She was probably a year to a year and a half old and had already had a litter of pups. She came from a shelter in North Carolina with her last remaining pup. (we are in CT) It was possible she had always been a stray.

Again I looked at her in her cage and could not imagine the way in which we would help her- yet we agreed.

I took her for a walk around the property prior to putting her in the van for the ride home. She stayed at the very end of the leash, as far away as possible. I believe she shook in fear the entire drive home. It was my hope that our other dogs would be the answer for Sissy and they had been in the past. Next entry - the introduction to the rest of the pack.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dog Log Cafe- Prejudice and Pride

I've always been fond of going to kennels. There was a time years ago when I would come to a cage that had a pit bull and I would always, without exception, walk on by without so much as a glance. Back then I know what was in the headlines and what I believed to be true. That these were vicious killers bred for only one purpose. I had a prejudice that like all prejudices had no foundation or a limited one at best.

Today I look at these and all dogs and evaluate them as individuals and not as a breed. I have met pit bulls that are the most timid creatures I have ever met. They both were rescued from a past where they lived as 'bait' dogs for the fighters in the pack. All the dogs, the bait and the fighters were not born bad or good- they were raised in a certain fashion that set their destiny. Humans did this- not dogs. I have also met dogs with a breed history of docility that are more aggressive than the so called dangerous breeds. Remember its not the dog or the breed, its how they are raised and trained by humans. Give each dog regardless of breed, the benefit of the doubt.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dog Log Cafe- Volume 5 Jack Bear

As previously stated from time to time we have been privileged to work with the local Humane Society. Several months after Lenny we were asked to consider fostering a miniature poodle. All the dogs we have met have a story and Jack, real name Jack Bear, is no exception.

The story we got is that Jack at the time was ten years old and that actually there were two, Jack and another miniature poodle. The other dog died and Jack started crying and didn't stop. So the owners bought a puppy hoping that Jack would enjoy the new friend and stop the crying. Well Jack kept crying and the couple decided they liked the new dog better and after ten years gave Jack up to the Humane Society.

Jack would not stop crying there either and we were again asked to bring him home in the hopes that the pack would help him get over his crying or grief. We met Jack after his having some teeth pulled. He was crying then, we agreed to take him and he cried all the way home. He was afraid of the pack and barked and cried. But like Lenny he soon came around began to fit in. His crying stopped probably an hour of so after he got home. After several weeks we received a call from the Humane Society that that had someone interested in meeting Jack and possibly adopting him.

It just so happened that this was a day or two before my daughters birthday and she informed me she was hoping to keep Jack with us. So Jack Bear became her birthday present and pack member number 5.

Think you're a manly-man? Try calling out Jack Bear to your miniature poodle and see how macho you sound.

Dog Log Cafe- Tough Times

A discussion this morning on a daily news show highlighted the affect that these tough economic times have on pets. When people get laid off often the pets are the first to suffer as they are given over to adoption centers and shelters in an effort to save money.

Dogs don't judge. Don't care that you're rich or poor. They repay love with love. In these tough times please remember the pets. Adopt if you can- you will be rewarded.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dog Log Cafe- Washington Pups

Congratulations to newly sworn in Vice President Biden and his family on the adoption of their German Shepherd Dog. The Obamas have still to choose their new dog.

President Bush had two Scottish Terriers, Barney and Miss Beazley.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dog Log Cafe-Most Popular Breeds

According to the AKC the 10 most popular dogs in the US are:
1. Labrador Retriever
2. Yorkshire Terrier
3. German Shepherd
4. Golden Retriever
5. Beagle
6. Boxer
7. Dachshund
8. Bulldog
9. Poodle
10. Shih Tzu

Popularity is measured by the number of registered dogs. This is the 18th consecutive year for the lab.

Dog Log Cafe-Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to the American Kennel Club for reaching its 125th anniversary. For more information on the AKC visit

Dog Log Cafe- K9 Hero

In December 2008, in Santiago Chile, highway cameras captured an incredible event as one dog risked his life to save another dog that had been hit by a car. The injured dog died. The hero dog ran off and was not seen again. Click here to see this incredible video on YouTube.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dog Log Cafe Lenny

We have also been in the fortunate position to help the Humane Society from time to time. Our first assignment was Lenny, another Beagle who had been given up at quite an old age. He suffered from what was believed to be extreme shyness. It was hoped that our pack (we had four at the time) could help bring him out of his shell. When He was brought home there was about half an hour when the five were sniffing and barking and then without warning- all playing together as though they were life long friends.

Really, that is the great thing about dogs- they get along. They never looked back and from that first meeting Lenny fit in. There would certainly have been worse things than having Lenny as a permanent part of the family. But fortunately for him an elderly gentleman came to the Humane Society looking for an older dog that did not require too much physical activity. Lenny was the perfect fit. We returned him to the shelter and it was love at first site. Perhaps it was his years but Lenny exemplified the affectionate side of the Beagle. Some part of Lenny always had to be touching a part of some human. Lenny just made you feel loved.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dog Log Cafe Volume 4 Ryuu (Part Two)

When we left off the tale of Ryuu, I was feeling quite desperate. I had no inkling how much noise one dog could make. We had managed to track down the young man who had left the dog with us and he seemed to think the noise was no big deal. In reality his situation had not changed at all; he was still living place to place and asked if we could continue to keep him. At this time Ryuu had not been neutered and the previous owner was not sure about breeding him or not.

Its likely obvious that Ryuu became a part of our family- the fourth dog in the pack. He did get neutered and seemed quieter. I am now a huge beagle fan. He is hysterical to watch when he picks up a scent that interests him and he is on the trail. He makes a clicking sound and a cross between a coo and a whine and makes noises I can't really describe. He definitely would follow wherever his nose and the scent take him. At the end of the day he is the first to snuggle up against you and fall asleep. He does several things well, he tracks, sleeps and eats better than most and if he is awake he is smiling his infectious smile.

Dog Log Cafe Book Review- Broadway Tails

Book Review: Broadway Tails
by Bill Berloni

This is a unique look at animals used in Broadway productions. This book chronicles the life of a young aspiring actor, Berloni as he transitions to his lifelong job as Broadway animal trainer. The tail begins with the production Annie based on the long running comic strip, Little Orphan Annie, that included Sandy the dog. With this very first story Berloni begins to reveal little known or remembered facts about Broadway, the actors and the plays. He also sheds light into the conditions and circumstances surrounding shelters in the late 70's.

He also discusses the real methods, simple, common sense methods he used to train a variety of animals including dogs, cats and a pig to work, on cue, on Broadway. He makes it clear from the beginning that his style of training is non-threatening and non-aggressive- yet highly effective. Berloni is clear on his stand on shelter adoption and how these animals are not disposable, throw away items. The stories are engaging, amusing and sometimes a little sad. The only requirement to enjoy this book is to like animals and to enjoy being entertained.

So if you are interested in reading more about pig CPR, Richard Burton, Hameltta and Ophelia and Vito the deaf Bull Terrier, I highly recommend this book.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dog Log Cafe Discusses- Cabin Fever

When I woke up this morning it was minus nine degrees. I was lucky as other parts of the country posted highs of minus 25 or lower, bone chilling. Tomorrow might, if we are lucky, make it to a high of 18 above. Its hard to get excited about 'doing something' with the dogs when as little as five minutes in these conditions can cause frostbite to humans. Some breeds such as the Husky or Malamute or Chow or St. Bernard might do okay but many do not, yet if you go out, most dogs will follow. Dogs need activity- just like kids. And dogs without activity can find other ways to amuse themselves such as new chewing activities and items. It's hard with six to play throwing games in the house and some don't enjoy or participate anyway.

During long winter spells or rainy seasons its important that we remember our obligation to our K9 friends. We look for breaks in the rain or snow and or the warmest time and try to run out real quick. Sometimes it works-other times not so much. Many Doggie Day Care facilites now offer 'Indoor Dog Parks' and while they do cost they are a good opportunity to get the dog some quality exercise and socializing.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dog Log Cafe- Beagle Facts

What do President Lyndon Johnson and Charles Darwin have in common with termites and Underdog? In some way they all reference the beloved Beagle. President Johnson was a supporter of the breed and had several while in the White House. He was sometimes pictured picking them up by their ears. (Please don't do this) The ship that Darwin sailed on while conducting his research and writing his "Origin Of The Species" was the HMS Beagle.

The Beagle is an ancient breed and has been traced as far back as the fifth century B.C in ancient Greece. The modern Beagle was bred to be a hunter- specifically to hunt rabbits and most often they hunted as part of a pack. In fact, in England packs could be as large as 50 to 70 Beagles. Today Beagles are employed by the US Department of Agriculture as part of the Beagle Brigade. These dogs are employed in airports and are used to sniff out contraband foods being smuggled into the country. They are also used to detect termites and to locate bed bug infestations.

Beagles are scent hounds and their ability is almost as high as the Bloodhounds. Beagles are able to make three distinct sounds. The first is a regular bark like most breeds. Then there is the baying sound produced when they are on the hunt. This sound is used to alert the other dogs as well as the humans taking part in the hunt. The third noise is best described as a howl.

Beagles are highly food motivated and they gain weight easily. Care should be taken in managing their food intake. Overweight
or obese dogs may suffer the same health problems as humans.

In addition to Underdog, both Snoopy from the Peanuts Comic strip and Odie from Garfield are Beagles.

Dog Log Cafe Volume 3 Ryuu (Part 1)

Ryuu is our Beagle, the fourth in the pack. One evening I came home from work, said hello to the dogs, plopped down on the couch and was immediately pounced on by a strange dog. A puppy- a beagle puppy. A real cute little guy. My son had 'his own place' along with several roommates and one of them had bought this little guy. They were going on a long day trip and wanted to know if they could drop Ryuu off to stay and play. Of course we said yes. Later that night he was picked up and that was the end of dog number four- for a while.
Several months later the roommates broke up- many moving back home. The young man who owned Ryuu though had no real stable place to return to and after a couple weeks living in a hotel he asked if he could leave Ryuu with us until his situation got better. No way we could say no so we took him in- for a short time or so we thought. Before he left we got the spelling of the dogs name (It's pronounced like Re-You) and it means (supposedly) dragon in Japanese.
Within 24 hours I was desparate to find this kid who left his beagle on my door step and in my house. No way- again I say there was no way I was prepared for the noise, the sound, the volume, this little dog was able to generate. We finally tracked this kid down and gave one command, come pick up your damn dog. He showed up a little while later asking, "What's up"?
(to be continued)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dog Log Cafe K9 Cop Hero

According to the Hartford Courant a police dog was stabbed several times by a knife wielding suspect. Late Saturday East Hartford police were called to a domestic disturbance. After numerous orders to drop the knife the police released the dog. The K9 officer was taken to a local vet and is expected to recover.

From responding to 911, to service as police officers and using their keen noses to reduce drug traffic- the K9 continues to show many of the reasons they are man's best friend. Please send in any stories you read or hear about these k9 heroes.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Volume 2- Hobo

As much as we did not set out to have six dogs after we had two, Nikki and Xena, we did not set out to have three. Hobo was a bit of a fluke. We had gone to the Humane Society to look at the dogs and saw Hobo and with little discussion or hesitation we took him. It's not just because he is a big collie shepherd mix. He is. It was not because he had been given up for adoption at the age of ten, though he was. It's not because he is the most gentle of dogs, though he is this as well. Hobo was a dog from my youth. When I was about ten years old we were living in Florida in a new sub-division partially on the water. I had a collie shepherd mix- the most loyal and best companion dog a boy could have, his name was Hobo.

My Mom named him-naming pets was always her job.
One day Hobo went missing and I was devastated. I went about calling out to him - he had never failed to answer. I knew, just knew I would find him. Where we were bordered on a lot of undeveloped area and in Florida undeveloped land meant rattlesnakes. His being bit was my greatest fear. For days I searched and called out. At night I cried.

On about the third day I was walking the seawall around the development. The tide was low and I spotted something I knew immediately to be Hobo, my lost dog. I knew immediately that he was dead. Without thinking how I would get back up I jumped from the seawall into the water and cradled Hobo's head. And cried. I noticed a rope tied around his neck. We never tied him up- we never had to. I pulled on the rope and it barely budged. I pulled harder and eventually found the other end tied to a concrete block. Someone had tied a rope to his neck and threw him and a concrete block into the water to drown.

Though as I grew old I did not think of him often, I never forgot him. And one day, at a Humane Society kennel, now himself ten years old, Hobo and I were reunited. He is thirteen now. I sometimes feel as though he has been with me my whole life. I did not know why we had gone that day to the Humane Society but today I believe that I was meant to go- to reunite with my lost friend.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dog Log Cafe K9 Trivia

  1. Which breed is sometimes referred to as the Grey Ghost?
  2. Which breed is the smallest purebreed dog?
  3. The corgi is part of which group?
  4. Most breeds are believed to have the wolf as part of the genetic makeup. One breed though is thought to have been bred from the dingo. Name the breed.
  5. Which breed was designed to walk under carriages and to frighten away robbers and wild animals?
  6. Can dogs get poison ivy?
  7. This breed name means 'little lion'?

  1. Weimaraner
  2. Chihuahua
  3. Herding
  4. Australian Cattle Dog
  5. Dalmation
  6. No but the oil can get in their fur and can be passed along to humans.
  7. Low chen

Friday, January 9, 2009

Volume 1 The Six Pack Begins

I've had dogs my whole life, as long as I remember. When I got married we got a dog a purebred American Eskimo. He lived a very long life but eventually he ended up with arthritis and cataracts and few teeth. It was too much suffering and eventually he was put down. It still amazes me the things we do for our pets that we can't do for our human loved ones. I know putting a dog down is never easy and can now even see it from the vet's side after reading "Tell Me Where It Hurts", by veterinarian Dr. Nick Trout, a very worthwhile read.

We never set out to have six dogs. We had a dog and two cats and two human children. Our dog is the mother (not natural of course) to one of the cats and to this day they are mother and daughter- not dog and cat. But one day we went to the local Humane Society and we ended up with Xena, warrior dog, warrior princess. We got her as a playmate to our first dog Nikki. We also got her for her personality- for her cuteness and for herself. Having two dogs was a little harder than just one- but not twice as hard. This was probably the reason this trend continued. Next posting will be Hobo- dog three. Please come back.