Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dog Log Cafe Sissy's Final Tail

I usually get attached to a new dog immediately. Without exception there is some connection. Not so with Sissy. At about the one year mark of fostering her we received a call from the Humane Society that we needed to do something- either return her or adopt.

For several months after bringing Sissy home, Xena was her only K-9 friend. Every weekend, weather permitting, we would take all the dogs to the dog park. Most of the dogs love it. Not Sissy. Her fear kept her at arms length from all the other dogs who tried to befriend her. But when she and Xena would take off running, perhaps after a real or imaginary squirrel, Sissy was in heaven. If she could play with just Xena, she was in heaven. Problem of course is that Xena wants to play with everyone. After a while Nikki and Xena and Sissy began to all play.

There was still the problem with us, me and Sissy. She would not allow me to approach if I was standing though she would tolerate me while sitting. In fact after a year she would come up to me in the car while going to the park and nudge me for some affection. She tolerates women much better and allowed our daughter's boyfriend to approach and to pet her while standing.

With all our lack of trust and lack of public displays of affection there was no way I was going to return her and have her go back in that cage. I knew, no matter how short the time, that she would have lost everything she gained. She and Xena and Nikki are good friends. A new beagle has entered our lives, Penny and they too are friends. Sissy and I are also making progress both while sitting and standing. It will improve with time.

Next installment- Penny.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Dog Log Cafe Number 6 Sissy- The Intro

We often walk the dogs around the neighborhood or in different parks. When other people and dogs see us coming it is often a bit of a shock. People are hesitant to allow an introduction- I'm sure out of fear. It can be a bit intimidating to see five or six dogs coming at you- pulling to get closer. Typically these are dogs and people without issues.

Of course Sissy has issues. Our custom when we do an intro is to introduce all the dogs at once. These intros typically cause three dogs to start barking. Xena barks to say, 'hey let's play'. Jack barks because he is insecure and that's what he does. Nikki barks because two other dogs are barking. Ryuu the Beagle is smiling and wagging and Hobo could not care less. He just wants to get a sniff in and go about his own little world.

So at the intro Sissy pulled away, cowered but reluctantly followed us in the fence. She was on high alert, spinning around as different dogs attempted to smell her. Some barking, some yelping- all fear. After five minutes or less the other five dogs were over the newness and the novelty of another dog. This just went on with their normal lives.

Next blog- the state of Sissy today.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dog Log Cafe Number 6 Sissy

I recall being at the Humane Society one weekend day and seeing a dog all the way in the back of her cage, frightened to no end. She stayed like this no matter who walked by. Complete terror. Though we had five dogs already and had some success at helping other dogs in need as I looked at this dog I could not think of a way to help; I could not imagine what we would do.

A week or so later we received a call from the Humane Society asking if we were interested in fostering another dog. One with shyness and fear issues. We agreed to look and it was this same dog, named Sissy. In her current state she was not adoptable, would not come to anyone and showed nothing but fear. Her history was a little uncertain. She was probably a year to a year and a half old and had already had a litter of pups. She came from a shelter in North Carolina with her last remaining pup. (we are in CT) It was possible she had always been a stray.

Again I looked at her in her cage and could not imagine the way in which we would help her- yet we agreed.

I took her for a walk around the property prior to putting her in the van for the ride home. She stayed at the very end of the leash, as far away as possible. I believe she shook in fear the entire drive home. It was my hope that our other dogs would be the answer for Sissy and they had been in the past. Next entry - the introduction to the rest of the pack.